The Naked Green

2004.11.21 Sunday

Not the Sabbath

Filed under: Personal — Mr. Green @ 12.59 pm

Today may be Sunday the “new Sabbath”, but it was not my day of rest. Thankfully yesterday was somewhat relaxing.

I received the call to plow at 3.00am this morning after about 2 1/2 hours of sleep. I got off just in time (11.30am) to pick up Jamie from church and am now home. I just took a shower and got dressed up to have our pictures taken at Wal-Mart at 2.30pm. We’ll go from there to my parents so I can work on retrieving data from a corrupted hard drive (again) and Jamie will do her crafts. I have to wait there while Jamie goes to “her thing”. She just said it’s to make crafts and have dinner. I’ll probably sleep…maybe my Mom will let me crash in my old bed.

Too tired to work on computer. Here is a picture of me after plowing this morning. Must to sleep….

1 Comment »

  1. People come to my blog from all the time, I see that in my logs. What would be strange would be people I know doing it.

    As far as blogging software goes, in my experience they’re all pretty similar. At the time I switched to Pivot it did some pretty cool stuff that others neglected (comments, calendar etc.) and also it was one of few that used a flat-file database rather than mySQL which makes it a breeze to install but WordPress does it all so if you’re happy with that then I wouldn’t switch. The Pivot template system gets confusing too.

    Sorry about the off-topic comment!

    Comment by Jules — 2004.11.22 Monday @ 7.22 pm

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