The Naked Green

2005.2.9 Wednesday

The First Green Cite

Filed under: Green Cite — Mr. Green @ 2.01 pm

This is the first semi-regular (as opposed to weekly or daily or some sort of nonsense like that) “Green Cite”. It’s where I recognize bloggers with love for, or some sort of obsession with the wonderful color green. Ooh…ahh!

So, without further ado (except of course for the obligatory parenthesis to annoy the reader, belabor the point and work up suspense), I announce the winner of this grand and unknown award: Queen Green!

Of course my wife is going to win the first one with a title like that. I mean, she’s my wife after all. Her love for the color green is based more on her love for the person (Mr. Green), I think. Congratulations, Jamie!


  1. Wow! What can I say? I’m honored to accept this unusual and obviously unbiased award from such an esteemed expert on this wonderful color we like to call green. Thank you, thank you, and may the green banner fly boldly over you all!

    Comment by Queen Green — 2005.2.9 Wednesday @ 2.28 pm

  2. […] 7;ve won an award! Big thanks to Philip at The Naked Green for considering my blog for the “Green Cite” award. And it gets even better. I’m the first one to re […]

    Pingback by Queen Green » Green Cite Award! — 2005.2.12 Saturday @ 2.51 am

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