The Naked Green

2004.10.31 Sunday

Our New Cat!

Filed under: Personal — Mr. Green @ 11.09 pm

We just went to the Humane Society to get Jamie’s birthday present. There actually weren’t a whole lot of options, but we looked at several cats for a while. We saw one who had been there for a while a decided to meet her. After waiting for quite some time, we were able to visit her. She took to us right away and we knew we wanted her. They gave us another number for more waiting and we finally brought our new addition home. :) Now I’m not one of those “My pet is my child” people, but it’s nice to have an animal around.

Her name was Lizzy, but Jamie came up with the great idea to rename her Caviar (Cavi for short) because she is costing us a fortune in apartment fees, food, toys, litter, etc. She is about one year old and already had a litter that were all adopted. Caviar explored our small apartment thoroughly and made herself right at home. It’s nice to have a cat that’s so personable and we were like new parents when she finally used the litter box.

Jamie is quite happy as she has been waiting for quite some time to be able to have a cat again. All week she was saying, “A cat soon!” :) She is home with Caviar now as I finish up house-sitting. I have to be away from them both :( but may get to plow some snow tonight which I’m looking forward to with childish glee. That is a topic for another post, though.

Edit: You can see pictures of Caviar and more by going to our Photo Gallery.

2004.10.25 Monday

What is important to me?

Filed under: Personal, Following Christ — Mr. Green @ 10.36 pm

Obviously the computer is important to me. All my posts up to this point have been about it in some way or another. I spend a lot of my time working and playing on the computer and the only way I can bring myself to journal anything is on this blog…on the computer. I have spent the last several days trying to rebuild my operating system (yes, I know). It has been frustrated to re-install things and deal with several problems and re-configure things that should be able to work from backups. I have thought about my priorities partially because of these issues, at least my priorities with this blog.

Jesus Christ is the most important person in my life…my God! He is a wonderful person who loves me more than anyone else and has given so much. He released me from bondage to drugs and alcohol and forgave my sins even after I chose to walk away from Him…the eternal creator! I thank God that I was chosen to be His child and I hope to grow closer with Him with each passing day. You too can have this wonderful loving relationship with your creator!

Jamie is the next most important person to me because she’s my best friend who is always there for me and loves me even knowing my dark secrets. She is my wife and lover, closer to me and more intimate with me than any other. We share all with each other: Love, faith, emotions, work, money, car, food, etc. I love her so much and look forward to spending the rest of our lives together! You can read more about our relationship at our website.

It’s hard for me to share my deep emotions, convictions and thoughts. It takes a lot of work and is hard to do on an impersonal machine. It’s also difficult to write because it always seems like the words are not coming out right. I want to try to get this stuff out, though…for my growth and benefit.

I like the computer and a lot of my interests have to do with it so I’m sure you’ll see many more posts about it. I will also be trying to share with you many other ideas and feelings about those things that are even closer to my heart.

2004.10.20 Wednesday

A good joke

Filed under: General — Mr. Green @ 2.33 pm

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary
and those who don’t. :D

I don’t remember where I originally saw this, but I picked it up just now from here.

FREE internet!

Filed under: Obsessions — Mr. Green @ 1.58 pm

Now that’s a four letter word that catches your attention, isn’t it?

I talked to the IT guy of the company that owns our apartment complex. He actually called me back and gave me the key to the apartment’s network! I set it up in the laundry room (closest room to the “business center”) and had a great signal. I rushed back to our apartment and quickly ate the food my wonderful wife Jamie prepared before heading off to cell group. Jamie stayed home because she wasn’t feeling well and called me up to tell me she was “online in the living room”. It’s not the best signal, but works quite well and free high speed internet is an awesome deal. Praise God!

I should update on the Motorola® network card. I tested it out at my parents’ house and it worked better than their linsys card on a linksys router! Now that I actually connected to the apartment’s website, I have a good signal there too. So, if you want a good card that’s $10 cheaper than the others, head over to Wal-Mart® and buy youself one. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is the Starbuck’s thing. Jamie thought that they might intentionally make that a low signal so people have to come into the store (and buy something) to get a signal. That sounds like a good idea to me, so I guess that’s solved.

I won’t say much about our brief dabbling into “War Driving” which quickly felt wrong and proved to be illeagal. I would recommend you secure your network and read this article: Wireless Network Technology and the Art of “War” by: Kamil Z. Skawinski at

2004.10.16 Saturday

Starbucks and Network Cards

Filed under: Obsessions — Mr. Green @ 2.59 pm

I’m sitting here at Starbucks because we have no internet connection at home. There isn’t a good enough signal at our apartment’s business center to connect and hardly one here. This Motorola® Network Card (WN825G) I have was $10.00 cheaper than the others at Wal-Mart®, which is why I bought it. I’m beginning to suspect, though, that it is functioning at a rate much less than my $10.00 savings warrants. So, I’ll be changing it out soon and paying the extra money.

On the bright side, since I have to buy something to sit here, I am enjoying a wonderful ChocofinoTM (the expresso of hot chocolate) :D I’m not a coffee drinker, but love chocolate, so this is a great drink to have! I was never fond of Starbucks and here I am advertising for them :) Of course, that was before I knew about Chocofino.

I’m tired of trying to figure out what the proper way to notate all these Trademarks and parts of them. If anyone finds a site that makes this easier, please let me know by submitting a comment.

2004.10.15 Friday

The Beginning

Filed under: Blog Publishing — Mr. Green @ 9.55 am

Well, this is my first blog ever and I don’t know what to say….

I’m using WordPress because it seemed the best one for me. It actually installed fine (after I got the right database and user name with prefixes), but I couldn’t log in. The log in screen had errors on it and when I tried logging in it came up with this: Error: Password field is empty So, I deleted the database and re-istalled (very quick proces by the way). The same error came up, so I headed over to the support forums and quickly found the answer. :)

For the last hour or so, I’ve been looking through and setting up all the cool options and realizing that I have a lot to learn about blogging. I had no idea blogging was so sophisticated. With time though, I’ll be oozing out ideas with no thought to all the complicated options…. I just learned about TrackBack for instance after wondering what the heck it did.

Back to my original point about not knowing what to say…. It’s kind of easy and sort of soothing to just write and not worry about some profound topic. It’s a lot easier than trying to update my website or send out a newsletter (which I should do soon). Those things take so much preparation and thought whereas this blog is made for me to just go on and share my thoughts with myself and whoever may have stumbled across this site. I should also say here that I don’t plan to update this blog with any sort of frequency or attempt to do anything specific with it. I’ll update it when I feel like it and talk about what I want (ahh…so freeing).

Well, I think I’m going to head off and try messing with the template.

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