SPAMing for fun?
What I want to know is what is up with all the blank SPAM I’ve been receiving? I guess I can’t even call it SPAM, because there isn’t a link to be found. They are all (probably the same one) commenting as “Anonymous” and have only left their email address which is not visible to the public. The only thing that resembles SPAM is their short, cryptic messages, designed to possibly fit the content. Of course they haven’t yet fit the content, so they’re obviously not really commenting. I’ve deleted all of them, but the best one.
So, What’ the deal? Is this some sort of software gone bad, like in The Matrix, some renegade program spewing random feel-good messages with no company to support them? Whatever it is, it’s sad. Thinking of it makes me wonder where that leaves me as a blogger of misguided SPAM sadness….
Update 2004.01.20: As much fun as deleting comments is, I have taken steps to stop all this madness. Let me know if you have any trouble with the new system (it may take a little while for your comment to appear). You can also email me (Philip) if you like.
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[…] 2005 Spam Filed under: General — Justicca @ 9:12 pm Man o Man, first, Philip gets spam comments on his blog sight, then all of the sudden, I get stuck with the load o […]
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