The Naked Green

2005.1.25 Tuesday

The Naked Design 1

Colored in: — Mr. Green @ 10.22 pm

Well, I just spent a couple hours (almost exactly two) working on a new design for this blog. It looks much better than my old design, but I’m still not completely happy with it.

I left index.php alone and am working off a highly modified default CSS template. I also threw in some ideas from an Alex King CSS template, Deviant. It’s riddled with overflow: hidden, overflow: auto and other things I don’t quite understand just to make it work right. The problem is, all that overflow stuff makes my max-width do really strange things, so I’m stuck with the “horizontal scrollbar of doom” for large text sizes. I don’t like complexity in code, especially when I don’t understand it!

I do like the look and feel better, though and this will hold me over until I have time and know what I’m doing. Now, on to much bigger things, like implementing a CMS and doing a redesign of our website.

Update 2004.01.27: In all the excitement, I forgot to mention where I got the picture. I downloaded it from stock.xchng along with several other great pictures. It was taken by jefras a.k.a Joao Estevao A. de Freitas with a Nikon D70. Thanks, Joao!

Update 2004.01.27 1.48pm: Well, I found a weird bug with all those overflow statements. When I would make the text bigger and scroll down the page, at a certain point it would freak out and just start looping one small section. Then I noticed that December’s archive page was long enough to have the same problem with the regular sized text. That’s when I knew overflow had to go. I think the only thing it was doing was keeping the menu bar exactly right aligned to the header. Sacrificing that is no problem if it will mean people can actually read my posts.

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